- European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law


Seminar: Comparative Constitutional History – Scandinavia

11:57 Now playing  Miniseminarium på Juridicum. Lägg till i din kalender. Datum: 28 maj, kl. 14.15 –15.30; Plats: Juridiska institutionen Sal Grotius, Riddartorget, Trädgårdsgatan 1  om konferensen, kontakta Lisa Hörnqvist: The Stockholm Oxford Law Symposium is arranged annually as a part of this  2018-03-15 Seminar schedule 16/3. The essay seminar opposition list have been updated.

Juridicum seminar

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mar. Kalender. onsdag 2018-03-07, 11.30 - Plats: Juridicum, Brinellvägen 8, plan 4. The seminar will focus on the guardianship of women within Islamic law Registration (voluntary):, by 25th of September  Verksamhetsberättelse 2016 Juridicum Verksamheten 2016 Juridicums (Juridiska SU, förteckning över genomförda seminarier under: seminar/lseminar.aspx  Den Oriental Seminar är en institution av Johann Wolfgang byggnaden i Dantestrasse är seminariet nu i Juridicum på campus Bockenheim .

HP: SemiConductor Physics . HT: Lecture Hall Wing: Overview.

Changing Leadership * - Lund University - Yumpu

11:57 Now playing  Miniseminarium på Juridicum. Lägg till i din kalender. Datum: 28 maj, kl.

Council Publications – The Nordic Tax Research Council

The seminar is conducted in Swedish. The seminar will address the following topical issues: Deadline motion 1 - group 2, 3 and 5, 6, 8 Hand in by email to Fri 24 Nov 2017 17:00-17:00: Deadline motion 1 - groups 1, 4, 7 Hand in by email to The Nordic Tax Research Council consists of members from five Nordic countries. Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland - each from whom represent legal economical and administrative tax expertise. Please note that the seminar on "Business organizations. Debtor Creditor" has been rescheduled to December 8. 2017-11-14 Slides from yesterday's and today's seminars with Pam Storr are now published under Course materials.

Juridicum seminar

År. 14.01.2021 Juristisches Seminar nimmt Ausleih- und Scanservice wieder auf. 10.01.2021 Noch bis Mitte Mai: Zugriff auf sämtliche eBooks von Brill. 07.01.2021 Neu: There are three large seminar rooms on the first floor. In addition to the administration, office and teaching areas, the Juridicum will in future unite the stocks of the law department libraries on Leibnizstraße and Olshausenstraße, which are currently spread across multiple locations.
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Fler kontaktuppgifter Öppettider under terminstid: Dörrar och hissar är öppna mån-fre, 09.00-15.00. OBS! The Huegel Seminar on 18 March is postponed due to the closure of the University of Vienna.

Publications from 2005 and onward are available in english.
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Kalender KTH Intranät

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Benotung für das 1./2. Diplomand*innenseminar jeweils aus zwei Teilen besteht: Sie erhalten jeweils eine Note für das Seminar und eine für die Arbeit. Online-Seminar über Zoom . Sep 17.

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Legal perspectives on the Estonian EU Presidency, Professor

Das Juridicum sollte durch seine zurückhaltende Bauweise einen „Repräsentativ-Bau im Grünen“ darstellen und dem Stadtbild zusammen mit dem Neubau der gegenüber liegenden Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek im Jahr 1960 dem … "Ah yes, here we go again." Carl Johnson - 2019 On 24.10. it's time again. Our traditional show debate at the beginning of JSQ starts at 20 pm in the Juridicum seminar room 2 … RA Hon.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lessiak. Dr. Lessiak war von 1981 - 1983 Assistent am Institut für Zivilrecht der Universität Wien.Danach war er Konzipient und legte 1986 die Rechtsanwaltsprüfung ab.

Schedule - Fastreg

Plattformrecht. SEMINARS. The Nordic Tax Research Council arranges a seminar on a specific tax topic, covering both legal and economical aspects, every spring. You can  Campus Location. The Juridicum building is located between the Hochschulfond Buidling, the Physics Buildings, the Lecture Tract Wing, and the Keplergebäude  Campus Bockenheim, Juridicum (9th floor) Senckenberganlage 31 60325 Frankfurt am Main.

Share. Tips; Juridicum Bibliothek Seminar 2.